Citizenship Amendment Act: Citizenship Amendment Act is once again in discussion. This law has been in controversy since the beginning. For this reason, even after getting the approval of both the houses, it was not implemented till now. According to sources, the Government of India will issue its notification tonight. After this this law will be implemented. After the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act, it will be very easy for people living in neighboring countries of India to acquire Indian citizenship. Till now the conditions for acquiring Indian citizenship were quite difficult.
There has been a lot of protest and uproar regarding this law, but it is basically a law related to giving citizenship to the people of neighboring countries of India. People living in the country will not be affected by this.
Here we are telling what will change after the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act and how much impact it will have on the lives of common people.
1. What is the controversy?
The Citizenship Amendment Act has a provision to grant Indian citizenship to those people from India’s neighboring countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, who have been harassed on the basis of religion. Under this law, Indian citizenship can be given to Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Christian, Buddhist and Parsi people. There has been controversy due to the absence of mention of Muslims in this law. Because of this, the government has also been accused of religious discrimination.
2. People adding to NRC
This law is being linked to NRC. On this basis, it is being said that Indian citizenship will be taken away from people through NRC and then they will be given citizenship again through CAA. In this process Muslims will be thrown out of the country. However, there is a provision in CAA to give citizenship to people of neighboring countries.
3. Who will benefit?
People living in neighboring countries of India will benefit from CAA. People who are being harassed on the basis of religion in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan. Such people will easily get Indian citizenship through CAA.
4. Who will be harmed?
No one will be directly harmed by this law. However, India’s population will increase with the arrival of people from neighboring countries. At present, India is the most populous country in the world. The arrival of people from neighboring countries will increase the pressure on the country’s resources. Its impact will be on the people of the country only.
5. Violation of secularism
This law has been accused of violating secularism. According to the Indian Constitution, no one in the country can be discriminated against on the basis of religion. However, there is no provision in this law to grant citizenship to Muslims. Because of this it is being said that secularism is being violated.
6. Concern related to NRC
CAA has been linked to NSA. Critics believe that after implementing CAA, the government will implement NRC. After this, such a situation will be created in which Indian citizenship will be decided on the basis of religion.
7. Fear of statelessness
Critics also fear that after the NRC comes, many people will move out of India. Some of these people will be given citizenship under CAA, but those who will not get citizenship and who will not even have proof of where they lived earlier. They will have no country to live in.
8. What is the global response?
International bodies and human rights organizations have also criticized the Indian government regarding this law. There has also been criticism regarding human rights violations and religious discrimination.
9. Polarization concerns
There is also a fear of polarization of votes through this law. Through this law, the ruling party can collect majority of votes in its favor.
10. Fear of being marginalized:
With the introduction of this law, Muslims fear being marginalized. The minority community is afraid of this law and after its implementation, their feeling of insecurity may increase.
Amit Shah’s CAA Bombshell – What You Need to Know About the Implementation Plans!: Will anything change after the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)? Get all the answers in 10 points! What will happen after the implementation of CAA law, and what are the controversies related to it, know the answers to 10 big questions: Will anything change after the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)? Get all the answers in 10 points!