Horoscope Today 27 March: According to astrology, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 is an important day. Dwitiya Tithi will prevail till 05:07 pm today and then Tritiya Tithi. Chitra Nakshatra will prevail till 04:16 pm today and then Swati Nakshatra. Today, you will get support from Vashi Yoga, Anandadi Yoga, Sunapha Yoga and Vyaghat Yoga formed by the planets.
If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius then you will get the benefit of Shasha Yoga. Moon will be in Libra.
Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today, there are two times today. From 07:00 to 09:00 in the morning, there will be the Laabh-Amrit Chaughadiya and from 5:15 to 6:15 in the evening, there will be the Laabh Chaughadiya.
-Rahu Kaal will remain from 12:00 pm to 01:30 pm. What is Wednesday bringing for people of other zodiac signs? Let’s know today’s horoscope (Horoscope in Hindi)-
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Aries : Horoscope Today
You can get big projects in business and you will also make relationships with new people. But this is not a good time for business expansion. You are going to get the fruits of your hard work. Your ambitions will move towards new success. Your personality will grow in the job and you will be able to impress people easily.
Your family life will be peaceful but there will be some tension between couples. Be it students or the new generation, give priority to creativity in work, this will improve your marks and presentation. You will benefit.
The new generation may have to travel for work, you will be successful in the purpose for which you travel. You may be busy in romance and adventure with your spouse. The confidence of artists and players will increase. The health of those who were ill will improve.
Taurus: Horoscope Today
Due to new technology in business, the position of your business will be strong. Obstacles and difficulties at the workplace will now start disappearing. If a person maintains patience and courage, then all the problems and difficulties of life go away automatically. You will be attracted towards office activities and you may also be given some new responsibilities.
Some problems may arise in the family, so try to solve them peacefully. Be cautious while driving. You will enjoy your married life.
Meeting family, friends and acquaintances or some new people can be interesting. New avenues may open up for IT students. Artists have a good chance of getting financial benefits.
Gemini: Horoscope Today
Due to the favorable movement of planets in business, the problems in business will automatically go away. There can be sudden profit. If you are planning to bring a new project to the ground, then do it between 7.00 am to 9.00 am and 5.15 pm to 6.15 pm. Your better ideas will keep you at the forefront at the workplace, you can get help from the officers.
As a working person, working in a team will give you mental peace and the goals will also be accomplished quickly and successfully. If you are thinking of shopping then the day is good, buy a gift for your spouse as well. You may get some new responsibilities in the family, which you will fulfill very well.
For some people, old marital problems may resurface and they will feel depressed. Encouraging results will be obtained in some work. Those who are having differences with their friends should resolve them and start friendship again. There is a need to be cautious in matters of health. JEE and NEET students can bring something new in their field.
Cancer: Horoscope Today
Making some changes in business can increase your expenses. You may have to face some unwanted obstacles in terms of work at the job. You will try to leave others behind at the workplace, but it will not be possible. Your opponents at the workplace can find flaws in your work. To distract you. There may be eye-related problems.
You can spoil your relationship by getting influenced by someone in the family. The day can be a little stressful for you in the family. There will be some tension in your personal life. There can be estrangement as well as discord in married life, to overcome which both will have to change their behavior.
Time will be a little difficult for medical and MBA students. There will be no dearth of energy among students, artists and sportspersons, that energy will need to be channelized in the right direction.
Leo: Horoscope Today
Business transaction matters will be resolved due to the formation of Vyaghat Yoga. The businessman should store stock keeping in mind the market trend, so that customers can be attracted towards him. They will get a new opportunity in the job. . The day can prove to be very good for you professionally. You will get to hear something positive at the workplace.
Employed people can benefit. You can meet your loved one. You need to make changes in your life area, this will benefit you. Spending time with family will be beneficial for you.
Stop or reconsider your family plans. There may be some health-related problems. There may be a change in any travel plan with family. Students, artists and sportspersons should make good efforts in their respective fields.
Virgo: Horoscope Today
You will have to face some problems on the business front. There are good chances of money coming in. New plans can be worked on at the workplace. There are chances of work getting done in the job. You will be active throughout the day, so there will be no possibility of delay in your important tasks. There will be some lack in family happiness and peace but there is no need to panic about it, just try to solve it.
Plan dinner with your spouse. All your pending work will be completed. You may have stomach ache, so you should avoid eating outside. The new generation may take wrong decisions due to confusion, talk to elders to get out of the confusion and try to improve your mental state.
Give food to a needy person. PhD and CUTE students can get good career options. But artists and sportspersons have to be more aware and in alert mode.
Libra: Horoscope Today
Due to the formation of Vyaghat Yoga, your progress will increase due to getting new orders in business. Healthy mind and body, concentration and confidence are the guarantee of your success. You will be busy in activities at the workplace. You can make new strategies for expansion. You may get the good news of promotion.
There will be obstacles in the government work of the employed person but undoubtedly the victory will be yours. There may be a problem of joint pain. You will keep getting the help and support of your colleagues. Your health will be good. The differences in the relationship will go away and the bonding in the relationship will increase.
This time the new generation and students will have to find a way to simplify the subject through technology. Time will be favorable for people associated with politics. Players should work on their skills. You will definitely get good opportunities. Students, artists and players will perform well.
Scorpio: Horoscope Today
Losing a tender in business can cause you stress. Businessmen should prepare themselves for tough challenges, because the ups and downs of the market can give you many challenges at once. Colleagues at the workplace may get angry with you for something. You may be worried about some unpleasant incidents at the workplace.
There is a possibility of a big fight between a working person and his colleagues over a small matter, so ignore small issues with them. Only some work that has been pending for a long time will be completed.
New and good ideas for the development of the family will come to your mind but you will not be able to implement them. If you do not like something about your love partner, then there is no need to agree to it. There may be a problem of body pain. Due to laziness of graduate students, career opportunities will end soon.
Sagittarius: Horoscope Today
Due to the formation of Vyaghat Yoga, your business will grow and you will be discussed in the market. Talking about businessmen, make plans to take the business forward, those who have made plans should implement them. A decline in your performance at the workplace can bring you under the eyes of your superiors.
There can be external plans for official or personal travel with senior officials and seniors. Work in the family will be completed on time and you will be interested in work. You will spend quality time with children. You will live up to the expectations of your love partner. You will also be socially active.
Students will be able to study their subjects in depth. Artists and players will get a chance to show their full potential. The new generation will have to avoid spending money to show off. Do not forget to pay attention to the bank balance while spending money to show off. Constipation and vomiting may occur due to not taking nutritious food on time.
Capricorn: Horoscope Today
Due to the formation of Vyaghat Yoga, you will get profit in business, there will be progress and you will also get good financial benefits. Employed people can get opportunities to move forward. You can also get some good news. Today, the obstacles in work at the workplace can be removed. If any work is done with full dedication, then there can be no obstacle in it.
Excessive physical labour can cause joint pain. People associated with politics will gain social prestige. The wind of laziness will spoil the hard work of the new generation. You can use it, so do not let laziness wander around you.
Relatives may suddenly arrive at home, so pay attention to the cleanliness of the house beforehand. To get benefit from this, you will have to change your lifestyle. You will get it. Talk about love with your family members after seeing the time. Competitive students will remain in depression due to paper leak.
Aquarius: Horoscope Today
You may be a little worried due to increasing shortage in business, but you will get ahead of your competitors. Businessmen will have to focus on manufacturing and not compromise on the quality of the product. There are chances of getting promotion. If you are looking for a job, then keep trying, you will be successful. An unemployed person can get good opportunities.
Forgiving someone in the family for their mistake will reduce the bitterness in the relationship. Do not do any work keeping your personality in mind for the cultured generation, a cultured person gets respect everywhere. You will be troubled by toothache. Take care of hot and cold food.
You can plan to go on a pilgrimage with your spouse. You will feel some relief from financial problems. Students pursuing higher education will benefit. This can prove to be a special day for artists and sportspersons.
Pisces: Horoscope Today
In business, the day is going to keep you behind your competitors in some matters. You will have to face some legal hurdles in business. Businessmen should stay away from defamatory activities, think well before doing any inappropriate work. Due to your behavior, your colleagues can complain about you to higher officials or boss.
You may feel a little uneasy. Your activities may put everyone in the family in trouble. Students should avoid being careless towards their studies, otherwise the results of the upcoming examination may be bad. In love life too, you will feel silence most of the time today. Saying ‘yes boss’ in every matter and every thing will get the work done.
Players will have to work harder. It will not be right to get angry unnecessarily because the position of the planets is motivating to maintain coordination with others. Health may deteriorate. “Our health is our biggest asset, we realize this only when we lose it.