Horoscope Rashifal: According to astrology, 07 April 2024, Sunday is an important day. Today, till 10:20 in the morning, Dwadashi Tithi will prevail and then Trayodashi Tithi will prevail. Today, till 03:40 in the afternoon, Shatabhisha Nakshatra will prevail and then Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra will prevail. Today, you will get the support of Vashi Yoga, Anandadi Yoga, Sunapha Yoga, Shukla Yoga formed by the planets.
If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius then you will get the benefit of Shasha Yoga. Moon will be in Aquarius and there will be a Vish Dosha of Moon-Saturn.
Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today, there are two times today. Abhijeet Muhurta will be from 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM and Labh – Amrit Chaughadiya will be from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM.
Rahu Kaal will remain from 09:00 to 10:30 in the morning. What is Sunday bringing for people of other zodiac signs? Let’s know today’s horoscope –
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Aries: Horoscope Today
The ups and downs in business will cause trouble for you. It can be a challenging day in business, some difficulties may arise in business, it is possible that the profit that is visible in front of you may slip out of your hands. Due to distraction in the job, it is possible that you may not feel much interested in your work.
You may face some unwanted obstacles. Due to the formation of Grahan Dosha, your work may get delayed by your opponents at the workplace. Exchange of words with love and spouse may spoil your bonding.
Negative situations in the family can increase your stress, neither do double talk yourself nor let anyone else in the house do so, because it will not take long for the matter to escalate. You will be troubled by the problem of heat-related illness. The day will be full of laziness for the players on the track.
Taurus: Horoscope Today
You can get good financial profits in business. But increase in daily expenses can increase your tension. Instead of wasting your energy in unnecessary stress in office, workplace, job, use it positively in your work.
If a working person is a team leader, then he should maintain equal communication with other team members. This has to be kept in mind because due to lack of good communication, hard work can lead to unsatisfactory results. From social level, you can move towards politics.
Your ideas and plans for new talents in the family as well as in the society will soon be implemented. This will also increase your respect and prestige. You will spend memorable moments with your love and spouse. Take care of the changing weather, you may fall prey to seasonal diseases. Students will be able to focus on their studies with discipline.
Gemini: Horoscope Today
There will be a need to bring some changes in business. Businessmen should use soft words while talking to customers. So that more and more customers can be attracted towards you. Accept the change in job happily.
You will stay away from things that are not useful for your healthy life. Your respect may increase due to some work at the workplace. Due to increased energy levels, you will be able to perform better than before at the workplace.
Take special care of your health, keep getting regular checkups done. The attitude of a special person in the family will change. Those who have not got rights in ancestral property are likely to get good news. There may be some estrangement with love and spouse. Artists and sportspersons will move towards self-reliance. Due to which they will be able to complete all their work on time.
Cancer: Horoscope Today
Time will be favorable for business due to Brahma Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga. People associated with business have to trust their abilities, if the businessman is not getting results according to his hard work then show patience in the present time, do not worry, the conditions will become pleasant in future.
Employed people will soon get the fruits of their hard work. The day will be very good for unemployed people, they may get job offers. People associated with politics will remain active on social level keeping in mind the upcoming elections. Your negligence regarding health can be harmful for you.
Love and married life will be good. The bitterness in relationships with someone in the family will go away. The new generation may use harsh words due to excessive anger. Due to which their mutual relationships will get spoiled. If the student’s full focus is on his goal, then he will definitely get excellent results.
Leo: Horoscope Today
Due to wrong money management in partnership business, you will have to face some losses in business. You will not think of anything special and new in business. In case of work from home, you may have more work pressure. Those doing jobs and services may have to face some inconvenience due to the surrounding environment at their workplace.
Due to the formation of Grahan Dosha, the unemployed person will face failure in his efforts to get a job. But do not let your hard work reduce, keep working hard. Do not argue with your love and spouse over small matters. At the social level, you will not be satisfied with your work.
Your stress will increase due to the deterioration of health of someone in the family. The new generation should avoid going on unnecessary journeys as there is a possibility of your health deteriorating during the journey. Students, artists and players will feel a little weak.
Virgo: Horoscope Today
If you are planning to expand your network and open a new branch of business, then it will be beneficial for you to do this work on some other day because during this time Bhadra is from 6.54 am to 5.08 pm. No auspicious work of any kind is done. You will get opportunities to earn good money in business.
The day is auspicious for starting any new work on job profile, office or workplace. Seniors and bosses will be satisfied with your work. There is a strong possibility of an increase in position and prestige in the office due to the qualifications of the employed person. Students will help fellow students wholeheartedly.
This will be a good day for artists and sportspersons as well. Someone’s health in the family may deteriorate, take care of their health. Love and life partner will support you at every turn.
The new generation which is associated with social organizations should work selflessly. We have to do this, the results of which will be seen in the future.’ People associated with politics should definitely check before sharing posts on any religious issue.
Libra: Horoscope Today
Due to the formation of Brahma, Sarvarthasiddhi Yoga, you will get double the benefit of getting a new deal in business. Businessmen can get new proposals for partnership. It is a day when situations of financial gain will be created in the job. Employed people will be able to present their point well in front of the boss on the basis of confidence, but your happiness will know no bounds after getting the desired success.
If a person employed has a colleague for help. If someone comes to you, do not disappoint him and go ahead and help him. Before taking any decision, take the advice of the elders of the house. There are chances of family growth and progress. The day will be good in love life.
Be careful about health. The intelligence of the new generation will be very active and there will be tremendous enthusiasm in the mind, you will be able to do even difficult tasks easily. The day will be enjoyable in love and married life. Any important project may be in your favor throughout the month. Due to better efforts of students, they can get loan for scholarship.
Scorpio: Horoscope Today
New ideas will take your business to new heights. This time will be beneficial for the business class, there will be progress in business. You may be given the command of a new project in business. At the office or workplace. You will get full support of your colleagues, you will impress people with your leadership skills and will also achieve success by solving some problems of the unemployed.
There will be delay in completion of work of employed people, but hard work will definitely take you to the goal. Blood pressure patients should stay away from fatty foods. New generation: If you are preparing for any exam or course, then taking help of e-books will be beneficial. Meeting family, friends and acquaintances or some new people can be interesting.
There are possibilities of some new relationships being formed for you in love life. If you like someone then you can think about marrying him/her. Students will get success in their field only by hard work.
Sagittarius: Horoscope Today
Due to the eclipse defect, some big projects may slip out of your hands due to delay in business meeting. In business, the day is going to keep you behind your competitors in some matters. Job: You may have to face some unwanted obstacles in terms of work. You will try to leave others behind at the workplace, but it will not be possible.
Your problems may increase due to your work not being completed on time at the workplace. The behaviour of people around you in the family may increase your stress. The new generation preparing for competition, especially those striving for banking and revenue services, will have to face tough challenges. Along with professional life, you should also pay attention to your health.
You may face some health related problems. There may be a situation of conflict in love and married life. Artists and players will have no dearth of energy, that energy will need to be channelized in the right direction. Be cautious while driving.
Capricorn: Horoscope Today
You will be successful in taking your business to new heights by dealing with the problems in your business with hard work. This day will bring a new start to your pending plans in business. At work, office or workplace, you will want to change the old things and start a new work again.
At the workplace, you will complete your project with teamwork. You will be successful in resolving differences in the family. You can plan a trip with the children for an auspicious event with the family. Understand the feeling of life partner and love.
Be cautious about health, stay away from junk food. Love will blossom, you will leave all the work. You will be seen talking to your partner for hours. The new generation will have to avoid laughing at the shortcomings of others or taking advantage of their weaknesses. Players will be successful in showing their talent on the track.
Aquarius: Horoscope Today
You will get many new opportunities in business and you will be successful in capitalizing on them, also if you are planning to do any new work then do not do it now. Because Bhadra is from 6.54 am to 5.08 pm, no auspicious work is done during this time. It seems that this is the day to move forward with confidence in business and make a way for success for yourself.
You can improve your job profile and workplace. On the basis of your abilities, you can achieve good results in the future. You will get appreciation from your seniors and boss for any work done at the workplace. The health of the elderly in the family will improve.
In love and married life, the bonding between you two will be wonderful. Your image will be maintained by your actions at the social level. Engineering and management students can get a big package. Parents will encourage their children to play outdoor games. Do this because it is very important for them to remain physically active at this time. There may be a job related travel.
Pisces: Horoscope Today
With the formation of Brahma Sarvaartha Siddhi Yoga, your troubles will be reduced due to the finalization of business deals. Some pressure may be reduced by moving forward with a plan in business. Your strategy will be useful for many people, so do not hesitate to express your views. The day is auspicious for starting a new work at the workplace, in some cases you may get praise from the authorities.
An unemployed person can get a job in a big company. You can get offers. The planets will be in your favor in terms of health. Dinner plans can be made in love and married life. The new generation should start career planning.
With the support of family members, your financial condition will be good, along with this, there will be an important meeting with the elders of the house on family issues, in which your responsibilities and work can also be discussed.
It will be a good day for students, artists and sportspersons. Students of higher education will keep getting help from teachers.