Weather Alert: There is a possibility of severe heat and heatwaves in India this year. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned that India is going to experience extreme heat from April to June this year. Especially in central India, the heat is expected to be the highest in May-June.
Two seasonal phenomena named El Nino and La Nina affect the earth’s temperature. A study of the data of the last 60 years (1961-2021) shows that India experiences more heat waves during El Nino years than La Nina years.
Due to global warming, the number of heatwave days in India has increased by about 2.5 days between 1961 and 2021. The study also states that the heat wave is increasing rapidly in central and north-west India. In the coming times, there is a possibility of heatwaves occurring twice a year, in total, heatwaves can last for 12 to 18 days a year.
In the year 2022, between March and May, India experienced 280 days of heatwaves, which was the highest in the last 12 years. Five states like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat and Haryana experienced 54% of the total heatwaves in the year 2022. According to the study, till now there were very few heatwaves in South India, but in the coming years, there is a possibility of abnormally high heat there too.
Director General of Meteorological Department Mrityunjay Mahapatra said that from April to June, the temperature in most states is expected to be higher than normal. Usually every year heatwaves occur for 8 to 10 days in summer, but this time there is a possibility of heatwaves occurring for more days in different states.

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Heat and elections together!
It is expected that India will experience extreme heat in the coming two and a half months (April to June). This is the same time when the general elections are going to be held, in which about 96 crore citizens of the country will cast their votes. These elections will be held in seven phases and will continue till June 1. The election results will be declared on June 4. The Election Commission has issued an advisory to conduct the voting smoothly during the heat. It has asked the voters to bring water bottles with them and protect themselves from direct sunlight.

The Meteorological Department said that this year the heat will be felt mostly in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha. Except for some areas of eastern, north-eastern India and north-west, the temperature may remain higher than normal in most parts. This may cause heat-related diseases to people. Agricultural production may decrease, there may be water shortage, there may be more need for electricity and air quality may also be affected.
What is this heat wave?
Heat wave is a condition when the air becomes so hot that it can be dangerous for our body. The method of measuring heat wave is different in different countries. Usually, it is decided on the basis of temperature. In some countries, heat wave is also defined on the basis of the number of very hot days.
In India, heat wave is seen in two ways based on the temperature. In the plains, if the temperature reaches at least 40 degrees Celsius or more, then it is considered a heat wave. Whereas in the hilly areas, if the temperature reaches at least 30 degrees Celsius or more, then it is considered a heat wave.
But not just the temperature, but the difference from the normal temperature is also observed. If the temperature is 4.5 degrees Celsius higher than normal, it is called heat wave and if the temperature is 6.4 degrees Celsius higher than normal, it is considered very hot.
What is the reason for so much heat?
According to the Meteorological Department, El Nino, which increases heat since the beginning of this year, is weakening. However, a mild El Nino is still present in the equatorial region of the Pacific Ocean, due to which the temperature of the sea surface is increasing. The warming of water affects the flow of air. The Pacific Ocean is about one-third of the Earth, so changes in its temperature and changes in the direction of the wind can affect the weather around the world.
However, El Nino is expected to weaken and then end in the coming time. Some weather models also suggest that La Nina may occur during the monsoon, which may lead to more rain in South Asia, especially the north-west of India and Bangladesh. With La Nina arriving by June-August, this year’s monsoon may be better than last year.
According to previous data, whenever El Nino comes, the monsoon in India weakens and there is less rainfall. The effect of El Nino has been there since the year 2023 and the rainfall has decreased. However, it is not yet clear what the full effect of El Nino will be on the monsoon. But it is expected to be very hot from April to June. This can lead to very heavy rains in South India and drought in North India.
When and where does heat wave occur in India?
Heat wave occurs frequently in India from March to June. Sometimes heat wave can be experienced in some areas even in July. The month of May is the most intense for heat wave in the entire country. Some areas are more affected by heat than other places. It is worth noting that the highest heat, i.e. temperature of more than 45 degree Celsius, is observed especially in the month of May in Rajasthan and Vidarbha region.
IMD predicts heat waves in many ways. It estimates the weather in the coming days by studying things like air pressure, direction, humidity. Apart from this, the Meteorological Department uses special weather models. These models are computer programs, with the help of which the direction of the wind is predicted. In India, the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) runs many such models.
How does heat wave affect our health?
Excessive sweating in summer causes dehydration in the body. Lack of water in the body can cause muscle cramps. Also, mild fever can occur. In extreme heat, problems like weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and sweating can occur.
Heat stroke is the most serious disease caused by heat wave. In this, the body temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius or more. Along with this, conditions like unconsciousness, seizures or coma can also occur. This can also be fatal.

What to do to avoid heat stroke?
One should avoid going out of the house during heat stroke, especially between 12 noon and 3 pm. Whether one feels thirsty or not, one should keep drinking water at regular intervals. One should wear light, loose and light coloured cotton clothes. When it is very hot outside, one should avoid doing strenuous work. One should also avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and cold drinks. These things reduce the water in the body.
Do not eat high protein and stale food in summer. If you work outside, use a hat or umbrella. Also keep a wet cloth on the head, neck, face and hands and feet. Do not leave children or pets in vehicles. If you feel dizzy or sick, consult a doctor immediately.
Along with water, drink lassi, torani (rice water), lemonade, buttermilk etc. These things help in keeping the body hydrated. Keep the animals around you in the shade and give them plenty of water. Keep a fan running in the house, wear wet clothes and take frequent baths with cold water.