Telegram Founder Pavel Durov: Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested recently on charges of failing moderation policies. After this, an investigation has been started against Telegram in India as well. If anything goes against the rules, Telegram will be banned in India. But do you know that Telegram founder Pavel Durov is also the biological father of 100 children. Actually, he gave this information in a recent Telegram post. Pavel Durov also appealed to make DNA publicly available.
Gave birth to more than 100 children in 12 countries
Telegram founder Pavel Durov recently said that he has fathered more than 100 children in 12 countries through sperm donation. In a post on Telegram, he explained how he became the biological father of so many children. He said that DNA should be made publicly available, which will help those who are facing difficulties in becoming parents.
Know who is Pavel Durov

Let us tell you that Pavel Durov was born in Russia. He is 39 years old and is the founder and CEO of messaging company Telegram. Telegram is a big social media platform. In the year 2021, French and Russian media had informed that Durov had become a citizen of France. Telegram has been operating from Dubai since 2017. According to Forbes, Durov’s net worth is around $15.5 billion. If the charges against him are proved, Durov can be sentenced to up to 20 years.
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