Viral News: A surprising case has come to light in Pennsylvania, America, where a dog has caused a loss of lakhs to the owner in one stroke. Actually, the pet dog has eaten the wad of notes (Dog eats cash USA), considering it as food. Due to which the dog owner suffered a loss of lakhs.
According to the Guardian report, 33-year-old Carrie Law, a resident of Pennsylvania, and her partner Clayton have kept a seven-year-old dog named Cecil. This couple takes great care of their dog. But both of them are shocked by the incident that happened with this couple last month. In fact, last month Cecil ate an envelope of money kept aside for some purpose, mistaking it for food, due to which Carey Law suffered a loss of $ 4,000 (Rs 3.32 lakh) in one go.
money was kept in the kitchen
Speaking to the Guardian, Carey said that the money was kept on the counter in the kitchen of the house. We never imagined that this could happen. All this happened within half an hour. Carrie told about the incident that suddenly Clayton shouted that Cecil ate the money. At first I couldn’t believe it after hearing this, but when I went and saw it with my own eyes, I was surprised.
Carrie told us that we had kept this money for important purposes but when Cecil ate it, we were unable to think of anything. In such a situation, we tried to make the dog vomit but it could not happen. We waited for his stool for hours but nothing was found. After which the doctor was called to see him. The doctor said that ‘he is absolutely fine.’ Carrie said that Cecil usually behaves well, but this incident has given a huge shock.